Hey everyone,
So I've decided to leave blogger and utilize Wordpress for all of my reviews and ramblings I like to post publicly on the web. I feel Wordpress provides more as a blogging website than blogger does. Blogger has enough frustrations about it that it ha cause me to look into other options for quite some time. And based on what I've seen of sites like "Girls Gone Geek" and other blogs on Wordpress, I think it's time for a change.
I haven't actually made the new site as of yet but I wanted to give everyone a heads up. I will post my new site once I have it ready to go so don't quite following this one just yet! But the site URL will be just like this one...just take out the .blogspot and replace it with .wordpress. In fact, there's a good chance I might pay the 15 dollars per year to not have that annoying .wordpress at the end and have my own .com website! Wouldn't it be nice to just have to type www.hereticaljargon.com?
Well, anyways, until I have the new site up and going, no reviews for Comics or Movies will be coming out. Be patient with me as I get my blogging life moved over to Wordpress. In the meantime, like always, enjoy some silly comic book photos found in Google images...
Even the men at Marvel can't get over Power Girl's boobs |
till one of my favorites Batman spoofs |
Way too weird not to include in this picture parade |
Yet she's still got nothing on Power Girl |
Even green meanies get theirs |
Super fast organisms |
Raven....really?!? |