Meanwhile on the Island of Manhattan, The Justice Society are doing all they can against Ultra-Humanite's android army while the people of Manhattan are running around in hysteria due to a toxic, fear inducing pathogen let loose by Ultra-Humanite.
As the mayhem continues below in Manhattan, Ultra-Humanite straps Power Girl down and prepares for the mind transference. As he does this, he describes in detail about his life growing up and how he ultimately came to transferring his mind into the body of an albino ape. As he finishes the story, so begins the mind transference with drills digging into Power Girl's skull.
There were no new realizations in this story however. It was basically a rehashing of what we already knew about Ultra-Humanite. However this did not kill the story. It was actually a very well done retelling of Ultra-Humanite's origin.
The one thing I have already determined that will be a constant for this title is the strange, sexual humor involved, Bestiality being the focus of this issue. But of course we can't forget the clever ways Sarah Conner (artist) can position Power Girl's body, and her boobs always seems to be perfectly set.
This title is quite refreshing thus far. Even though there is tons of drama and earth shattering events occurring, the book seems to be taking a "silver age" approach to this particular monthly title. Palmiotti is writing a fun story and not so concerned with making it so overly dramatic. I appreciate how this title is being approached and I sincerely hope it continues!
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