Monday, January 17, 2011

Blog Delay...Were You Expecting Anything Else?

Yes, I'm having to put something of a week to a week and a half long delay on my blog due to my job.  It's become very hectic and the project my boss put me on has taken a turn for the worse; some of it being my fault, most of it being someone else's faulted, and the rest being the fault of uncontrollable factors.  I've done my best to stay on top of things, but nothing seems to be coming together.  The deadline to get this project done is February first, so needless to say I'm towing a thin line.

I've got two weeks worth of comics to catch up on and no reviews are in site.  I'll try to post a few small things here and there but don't expect TOOOOO much for at least two weeks.  I do thank everyone whose visits my blog frequently with much rejoicing...yay....(for you my fellow Monty Python fans.) And I take great pride in this blog as it's helped me to earn a lot of free stuff from comic book writers and what not.  i'm not giving up on this blog, just need two weeks to focus on keeping my job.  Please be patient with me.  in the meantime, enjoy a few photos from the wonderful world of Google images.  Taking these images out of context from there comics is SUPER fun....

It's like being back in college

Does anyone see the smile on the smoker's face?
Why do all the older guys get the young, beautiful women?  
My wife never says this about me.
Ok guys, tuck your boners away and make out with your girlfriend.
She seems so love struck
Nothing more needs to be said.

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