The good news is,I have just come from my favorite store in the world, Half-Priced books, and found a TON of Wonder Woman and Superman comics I've been hunting down! I now only have 20 Superman Comics to go before I have the ENTIRE 1987 Superman run. I did knock all a lot of comics from the 1987 run of Wonder Woman, but I still have a long way to go.
And as my birthday present from my woderful wife, she gave me a $30 limit at The best Comic Book store in the world, Mayhem Comics here in Des Moines! So I splurged. I picked up some more back issues in Superman, and purchased the 3 volume of Alan Moore's "Tom Strong" series. But I am going to start keeping track of the progress I'm making on obtaining my collections. I'll be providing the list of comics im looking for when I get back.
I'll try to blog as often as I can, but untill Saturday rolls around, it wil be up in the air as to how often I post here. But fear not! I'll come back from the holidays with lot's of stuff to write about! In the meantime, keep checking back for more info on comic book films and other news over to the right, and look at the blog links and support my fellow comic bloggers.
Love the picture