Friday, October 23, 2009

Comic Book Review: Blackest Night - Superman #3 (of 3)

Written by James Robinson
Art and cover by Eddy Barrows and Ruy José
Variant cover by Shane Davis and Sandra Hope

Plot: Superman and Superboy Prime work together to defeat Superman of Earth-22 and the Psycho- Pirate. In defeating Psycho-Pirate, Superboy makes in incredible discovery, the emotional control that the pirate has over people is quite effective against Black Lantern corpses. As we learned in a previous issue of Green Lantern, the more each emotion of the spectrum combines, the weaker a black Lantern becomes. So now, the question is, how do the good guys get members of the Red and Orange Lantern Corps to come together and win the battle against The Blackest Night?

My Thoughts: A lot better than I thought this was going to be. Robinson does a bang up job at bringing the story to an awesome conclusion. Now we already knew that combining powers from each emotional spectrum causes the Black Lanterns to weaken, however with the attack Superboy made on Psycho Pirate, it seems that there’s more to their weaknesses than I had anticipated. Granted, the telekinesis helped I’m sure, but we saw a number of emotions running through Superboy once he made his final blow on the Pirate. Maybe I’m over analyzing the situation but it seems to me that the end to Blackest Night will come down to something more than just getting all the Lantern Corps to work together.

As far as New Krypton being in Lock Down to keep Black Lanterns from invading the planet, I wonder how this will change things for Superman in the “World of New Krypton” series. Seeing as how we have 5 issues left in that mini, something has to change in order for Superman to get back on New Krypton.

Another aspect of this issue I need to applaud is its terrifying look and feel. The Black Lanterns in this issue creep me out! Lois Lane of Earth-22 and Zor-El seriously make you wonder what the artists are using as models! And the feeling of angst as Alura rescues her daughter from the clutches of risen Zor-El is so high that I wondered if Supergirl was going to die and DC just canceled the Supergirl title with this issue! Every page of this book is absolutely horrifying, yet you’re compelled to continually read on in anticipation for what may happen next.

The art was spectacular. The scene with Superboy bringing in his “fatality” blow to the Psycho-Pirate was gorgeously drawn and painted. But my favorite panel of art was the scene of risen Lois Lane from Earth-22 walking through the wall of fire. That is such a terrifying scene I almost jumped as I turned the paged.

Overall: A great issue. I honestly have no gripes at all. It was terrifying and gripping. Definitely one of the better issues out this month thus far.

4.5 out of 5 stars

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